College Note : CG

A few months ago, I and my friend, Raja Oktovin wrote a program Voronoi Diagram demo as the final assignment of Computational Geometry class. I was very delighted that the class was over with a quite good ending. I want to share it, so that it would be useful for the new guys who want to learn Voronoi (*and I also hope that there will be more people interested to take the class.

This program include Fortune Algorithm, Divide and Conquer Convex Hull algorithm and Finding Closest Points algorithm. All the algorithms were purely adapted from Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications by Mark de Berg book. We have done this program as best as we could, but if there is something buggy, please tell me. I hope this will help.

Posted on Tuesday, 9 July 2013, in Academics, Computer Science. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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